9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget

Minimax Digital Posted

Planning a picnic date is a perfect way to spend quality time with your loved one. Whether it's an outdoor adventure or a cozy indoor setting, a romantic picnic is an excellent opportunity to relax, unwind and connect with your partner in the great outdoors. However, planning a picnic date requires some preparation and packing.

The first step in planning a romantic picnic date is choosing the best location. Look for a spot that is private, peaceful, and has a beautiful view. It can be a park, beach, or even your backyard. Whatever location you choose, make sure it's easily accessible. You should also be conscious of noise and crowds in case you want privacy during your romantic picnic date.

To help you make your picnic date unforgettable, we have compiled a list of nine romantic picnic essentials you should remember to pack. A list of the things you need for a picnic date to spark passion and show each other just how much you care. 

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

1. Picnic Basket

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

A picnic basket or bag is a must-have for a romantic picnic date. It makes it easier to transport all your essentials and keeps everything organised.

Minimax Recommendations:

2. A Cozy Blanket, Rug or Picnic Mat

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

A comfortable and cozy blanket, rug or picnic mat is a must for any picnic date. Whether it's an indoor or outdoor picnic, a soft blanket provides a comfortable place to sit, relax, and enjoy the scenery. And to keep you off the ground, the Kollab Picnic Mats feature a water-resistant fabrication and a comfortable foam lining.

3. Cushions and Pillows

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

Cushions and pillows are great additions to your picnic setup. They provide extra comfort and support while lounging on the blanket or rug. They also add a cozy and intimate touch to your picnic date. Or a foldable chair for you and your partner.

4. Portable Picnic Table or Tray

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

Cushions and pillows are great additions to your picnic setup. They provide extra comfort and support while lounging on the blanket or rug. They also add a cozy and intimate touch to your picnic date. Or a foldable chair for you and your partner.

Minimax Recommendations:

5. Plates, Utensils and Napkins

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax
9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax
9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

You'll need utensils and plates for your picnic date. Opt for reusable ones to reduce waste and make the experience more eco-friendly. Remember to bring napkins to clean up any messes or spills during your picnic.

Minimax Recommendations:

6. Wine Glasses or Tumblers

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

Every picnic date is complete with a glass of wine or your favourite beverage. Wine glasses or tumblers are perfect for sipping and enjoying your favourite drinks while watching the sunset or enjoying the stars and the moonlight. We highly recommend the Marmalade Spritz, or you could go with a Hibiscus Sangria Mocktail if you prefer non-alcoholic beverages.

7. Entertainment

Pack some entertainment options to engage you and your partner during the picnic, like a board game, a deck of cards, or a book. You can also bring a portable music player to set the mood.

Music is also a great way to set the mood for any romantic date. A Bluetooth speaker allows you to play your favourite tunes and create a romantic ambience for your picnic.

8. Romantic Lighting and Decorations

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

For a night picnic, romantic lighting creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. You can use candles, lanterns, or fairy lights to set the mood and create a magical ambience. Conversely, a beach umbrella for shade is an excellent addition if you're having a picnic on a particularly sunny day.

9. Charcuterie Board

9 Romantic Picnic Essentials For A Date You Won’t Forget | Minimax

Cheese and crackers are a classic picnic food. Easy to prepare and perfect for snacking while enjoying the scenery and each other's company. But if you want to take things further, a well-curated charcuterie board is an excellent choice for a romantic picnic.

We’ve already written a comprehensive guide on crafting the perfect cheese board, so give that a read for all the tips and tricks.

Then, end your picnic date on a sweet note with a dessert board and indulge in each other's company.

Other Essentials

Sunscreen, Bug Spray and Hand Sanitiser: If you're planning an outdoor picnic, remember to pack sunscreen for sun safety, bug spray to protect yourselves from the bugs and hand sanitiser to keep your hands clean.

Trash Bags: Speaking of keeping clean, remember to bring a few trash bags to clean up after your picnic and keep the area tidy.

Picnic dates are a simple yet romantic way to spend time with your partner. Bringing these romantic picnic date essentials can create a beautiful and memorable experience you will cherish. Pack your basket with delicious food, and bring romantic decorations to set the mood. Happy picnicking!

Oh, and if the weather happens to rain on your parade, don’t fret. We have plenty of romantic ideas and tips to set the mood at home.


Q: Can I have a romantic picnic date indoors?

A: Yes, you can! Set up a cozy and intimate picnic in your living room or bedroom, and create a romantic ambience with candles, pillows, and blankets.

Q: What are some romantic picnic date foods?

A: Some romantic picnic food ideas include sandwiches, cheese and crackers, fruit, chocolate-covered strawberries, and wine.

Q: What are some romantic night picnic ideas?

A: Set up a cozy, intimate picnic with fairy lights, candles, and blankets. Enjoy a glass of wine and watch the stars together.