Take your picnic game to the next level with this easy to make ahead, portable, and delicious picnic loaf. Perfect to slice on location, or slice it in advance and re-wrap it for easy transport. Mix and match filling with your favorites or stick with this classic combination. Go on, grab your picnic blanket.
330 gram jar of char-grilled peppers
135 grams of semi-dried tomatoes
1 small red onion
350 gram ball of fresh mozzarella
1 round cob loaf
2 tablespoons of garlic infused olive oil
60 gram bag of baby spinach
85 grams of prosciutto
Basil leaves
Drain the char-grilled peppers and the semi-dried tomatoes well and place in bowls.
Thinly slice your red onion.
Cut the mozzarella into slices.
Cut the top off the loaf and sit it to one side.
Carefully remove the inside of the loaf, leaving a ring around the edges.
Save the filling to make breadcrumbs or stuffing.
Brush the inside of the loaf with garlic infused olive oil and then start building your layers.
Start with the spinach, the peppers, onion, mozzarella, prosciutto, semi-dried tomatoes and then repeat.
Tuck basil leaves here and there as you fill.
Make sure that you push the fillings right into the sides of the cavity so that it is really full.
Add as many layers as you can, pressing down firmly with each layer.
Return the top to the loaf and wrap it tightly with layers of cling wrap.
Place a heavy weight (I used a cast iron pot) on top and let it sit in the fridge overnight.
When you are ready to slice it, use a serrated bread knife and cut steadily through to reveal the layered filling.