Classic Homemade Pizza

Minimax Digital Posted
Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe by KitchenAid | Minimax

Recipe by KitchenAid

Who doesn't love a homemade pizza? This Italian classic is the perfect blend of crispy crust, rich tomato sauce and just the right amount of cheese sprinkled on top. Create a homemade pizza using a KitchenAid food processor!

Prep Time: 30 minutes, plus 40 minutes dough resting time

Makes: 2 Pizzas

Special Equipment

KitchenAid 9 cup food processor; 1-2 pizza trays or stones; plastic wrap.


For dough:

330ml lukewarm water

2 tsp caster sugar

4g dried yeast

500g pizza flour (strong white bread flour), sifted

2 tsp sea salt

Olive oil


1/3 cup tomato pissata sauce

120g mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced

10 slices of good quality salami (prosciutto or ham can also be used)

6-7 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

1/4 red onion, chopped to size that will fit through feed tube

1 small red capsicum, chopped to size that will fit through feed tube

2 tsp dried oregano

1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese


Fresh basil leaves


  • 01

    Pre heat the oven to 220C fan forced.

Make the dough:

  • 02

    Combine the lukewarm water and caster sugar in a jug, then stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add the dried yeast and stir through. Allow to sit for 5 minutes while it starts to bubble and froth.

  • 03

    Fit your 9 cup food processor with the dough blade. Add the flour, salt and yeast liquid. Secure the lid and turn the processor on low. Allow to kneed undisturbed for 6 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.

  • 04

    Lightly coat a large bowl with olive oil, and transfer the dough into the bowl. Cover and allow to rest for 30 minutes.

  • 05

    Divide the dough in half on a lightly floured, clean surface. Lightly dust and cover. Allow dough to rest for 10 minutes.

  • 06

    Roll out one half of the dough into a round circle, with a thickness of approximately 1cm. Place on a pizza tray or pizza stone. The other half of dough can be stored in the fridge covered until you need it.


  • 07

    Fit your KitchenAid 9 cup food processor with the slicing blade. Secure the lid, and turn the slicing knob to 1 or 2 (depending on thickness preference). Turn the machine on low speed, and feed the red onion and capsicum through the feed tube (using the food pusher to push the pieces through the slicer). Remove the sliced onion and capsicum from the work bowl, and place in a small bowl.

  • 08

    Spoon half of the tomato passata onto the rolled out pizza base, and spread it out.

  • 09

    Add the salami, thinly sliced mozzarella. Layer on top sliced red onion, capsicum and the cherry tomatoes. Sprinkle over half of the grated cheddar cheese and 1 tsp of the dried oregano.

  • 10

    Place in the preheated oven to cook until crisp and golden (approximately 12-14 minutes).

  • 11

    Remove from the oven, and garnish with fresh basil leaves. Slice and serve hot.

  • 12

    Repeat the process for the 2nd pizza.

Mum's New Favourite

KitchenAid 9 Cup Food Processor

The KitchenAid 9 Cup Food Processor is a versatile and powerful kitchen appliance that can chop, puree, knead, shred, and slice a wide range of ingredients with ease. With its 9 cup capacity, it can handle large batches of food, making it a great choice for families and meal prep enthusiasts. 

The food processor comes with a variety of accessories, including a slicing disc, a shredding disc, and a multipurpose blade, allowing you to tackle a range of kitchen tasks. Its compact and durable design makes it easy to store and clean, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen.

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Minimax Magazine

Issue Eleven

Welcome to the latest issue of the Minimax Magazine!

This edition is packed with inspiring gift ideas for Mother's Day, trending recipes to try out, and interesting interviews.

In this edition, we had the pleasure of interviewing Montague Orchard, who shared insights on selecting the perfect apple for cooking, and the folks from Mission District, who shared their passion for Mexican cuisine. With informative interviews, inspiring recipes, and unique gift ideas for Mother's Day, this edition of the magazine is sure to delight and inform.